A Life Worth Breathing

A Life Worth Breathing – Workshop Weekend with Max Strom

March 1st – 3rd 2024

Our dear friend and teacher Max is coming back to Hamburg for a weekend workshop series to share his wisdom, kindness and his very simple yet effective methods and breathwork techniques with us.

Being a renowned speaker, author and breathwork teacher, Max has dedicated over 30 years to guiding individuals toward emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation. With his transformative „Breathe to Heal“ method, Max offers highly impactful techniques that not only alleviate anxiety, panic attacks and sleep issues, but also catalyze profound shifts in individuals and their relationships.

The different sessions can either be booked as single sessions or as a full weekend workshop.

A single session is 50€ (2hr) or 55€ (2.5hr), the full weekend (5 sessions) will be 240€. There is an Early Bird Rate available until January 10th at 228€ for the full weekend.

All levels are welcome.

Friday, March 1st 2024, 19:00 – 21:00

Total Relaxation

Movement based workshop

All levels

Learn and experience how to relax deeply. We will begin with a talk by Max, then move into a very gentle movement sequence that is simple yet profoundly affective. In the second half of the workshop we will focus on floor postures and breathing patterns to release the mind and body from long-held stress and tension that impedes our happiness and our ability to sleep. This special event will help you rest like you did long ago. Bring your mat and writing materials.

Saturday, March 2nd 2024, 10:00 – 12:00 

Strength, Grace and Healing –  Legs, Hips and Spine

Movement based workshop

All levels

“The goal is not to tie ourselves in knots – we’re already tied in knots. The aim is to untie the knots in our heart as we become healthier and more balanced.” ~ Max Strom

Get your mat out and let’s get into our practice! Take care of the part of your body that holds you up every day. In this practice Max will lead you through a sequence of therapeutic postures. This will not only benefit your physical body but will also calm and nourish your entire nervous system.

This workshop includes a movement practice and seated breathwork.

Saturday  March 2nd 2024, 14:00 – 16:00 

Anxiety, Grief, and Intimacy – Healing the hidden wounds

All levels

This event reveals a new understanding of the interconnectedness between anxiety, loneliness, and unhealed grief. Put simply, it could be said that when you heal one you heal all three and that is because they are all aspects of the central issue of our relationship with ourselves and others. By healing we enhance our ability to have deeper intimacy with our relationships, and the reclaiming of sustained tranquility and peace in our daily lives. Class will include a lecture and writing, simple but high impact breathing exercises; and guided meditation. All levels are welcome. Bring writing materials.

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 9:30 – 12:00

How to Teach Cathartic Breathwork 

Teachers, healthcare givers, therapists, coaches + experienced students

This training will remind you why you chose to be a teacher.

Show your students the way to a future that is free from anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. Guide them safely and conscientiously to the level of emotional healing.

With the cathartic breathing techniques you learn in this training your students will be able to access memories more clearly, gain insights, and release long-held, obstructive emotions.

This training will re-inspire and reignite your own practice and bring new confidence and passion to your teaching.

This training includes:

•   Lecture

•   Standing breathwork

•   Cathartic seated breathwork

•   Visualization

•   Q&A

Specifically designed for teachers, coaches, psychologists, and healthcare givers, also practitioners who wish to use the techniques themselves are most welcome.

Sunday, March 3rd 2024, 14:00 – 16:00

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

All Levels

Forgiveness is perhaps the most powerful and yet forgotten tool we have for healing ourselves. To forgive another heals oneself, just as anger toward another poisons oneself. Anger and resentment destroy our lives.

For the body to heal, often times what is most vital is to heal the broken heart or spirit. Failure to forgive affects our stress level, power to heal the body, discernment, and all of our relationships.

The first part of this seminar is focused on forgiving others; the second part will address forgiving oneself.

This seminar includes:

•   Lecture

•   Writing

•   Seated breathwork

•   Visualization

•   Q&A

About Max:

Max Strom, renowned speaker, author and breathwork teacher, has dedicated over 30 years to guiding individuals toward emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation. With his transformative „Breathe to Heal“ method, Max offers highly impactful techniques that not only alleviate anxiety, panic attacks and sleep issues, but also catalyze profound shifts in individuals and their relationships.

Presenting four impactful TEDx Talks, including the viral „Breathe to Heal“ with 3.6 million YouTube views, Max captivates audiences worldwide with his empowering keynote addresses. His books „There is No App for Happiness“ and „A Life Worth Breathing,“ resonate internationally, with a third book and a fourth TEDx Talk in October.

Besides in-person events Max also offers many ways to benefit from his teachings; online through livestream events, in-depth video courses, video and audio recordings, and one-to-one coaching sessions. Max is based in the Netherlands, but teaches in English.

Redirect your life’s journey, release the chains of suppressed emotions and trauma, and become part of a transformative movement. Explore our website, your gateway towards a life of meaning and purpose.

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Sollte der Workshop von unserer Seite aus ersatzlos abgesagt werden, erstatten wir die Workshopgebühr natürlich zu 100% zurück. Weitergehende Ansprüche des Teilnehmers, insbesondere Schadensersatzansprüche wie z. B. Reise- oder Hotelkosten bei Änderungen oder Absage eines Workshops, bestehen nicht.