Breathe To Heal – 15hr intensive

Breathe To Heal with Max Strom (15hr transformational intensive program).
Early Bird rates until April 11th!

We currently have a worldwide epidemic of stress and anxiety that is stifling our happiness, creativity, and intimacy. Max Strom will reveal his core principles of breathing and movement patterns to alleviate anxiety, PTSD, depression, and sleep disorder based on his two decades of teaching and his in-depth knowledge of Hatha Yoga and QI Gong.

Many of our emotional challenges are due to being taught socially from a very young age to suppress and numb our feelings, leaving us carrying a silo of emotions in our chest of un-reconciled and unexpressed emotions. Using breathing patterns for 20 minutes daily, as taught by Max Strom, can bring us back to a peaceful and calm state as well as gift us with insight and knowledge that was buried along with our feelings. With this new insight we are empowered to make new and meaningful life decisions. In just a few short days you will feel the difference and have the knowledge to help you transform your internal state, prevent future anxiety, and help others to do so.

This 15-hour transformational event Max will reveal his secrets and techniques on: The interconnection of the emotions with the mind and body Connection, Vulnerability, Isolation, Intimacy Crisis as an Axis of Transformation Triggering Emotional Healing Lifespan tools, writing and discussion. Evolutionary Breathing Patterns Specific to alleviate anxiety Specific to improve sleep Specific to improve grief Specific to alleviate depression Specific to refocusing and relaxing at work.

Who is this for?
For people from all levels of fitness and walks of life suffering from extreme stress. No previous experience necessary. Also extremely useful for medical practitioners, therapists, and yoga teachers who want to incorporate this work into their healing repertoire.

Please keep in mind: If there should still be any Corona restrictions the workshop will take place accordingly.

About Max:
Born with severe clubbed feet, Max Strom spent much of the first six years of his life with his feet confined in plaster casts and braces. Today, he is known for inspiring and impacting the lives of people from all walks of life, teaching breathing patterns and personal transformation worldwide. His method, Inner Axis, is known to produce immediate results in alleviating stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression, impacting the internal and emotional aspects of our life, as well as physical healing. His TEDx talk, Breathe to Heal, is approaching one million views on Youtube. Many know him for his two inspiring books: There is No APP for Happiness, addressing the challenge of finding meaning in the digital age, and A Life Worth Breathing, published in five languages and used as required reading in many yoga training sessions. A dynamic speaker, Max has presented three TEDx events, keynote addresses at medical conferences, wellbeing conferences, corporate conferences, and many yoga festivals. Most recently he presented at the World Government Summit in Dubai, the first Wellness Symposium in Saudi Arabia, and the Inner Peace Conference in Amsterdam. Max is based in the Netherlands.

The workshop will take place at:
Billie’s Tanzstudio, Alte Dosenfabrik, Stresemannstraße 374b!

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