The Yogic Mind – Vinyasa Krama & Yoga Sutras

The tradition of Classical Yoga is a contemplative, meditative path, guiding courageous and curious seekers towards the true nature of their enigmatic human existence, giving rise to transformative wisdom and leaving in its wake the fetters of physical and mental suffering.

Vinyasa Krama (movement and sequence methodology) as expounded by the legendary father of modern yoga, Sri T. Krishnamacharya is considered the most comprehensive representation of Krishnamacharya’s teachings of yogasana. Built upon the foundation and existential wisdom of Patañjali’s Yoga-Sūtras, Vinyasa Krama is thus considered a classical form of yoga.

The Yoga-Sūtras are the systematization of thousands of years of liberation-seeking inquiry practiced upon the Indian subcontinent. A compendium of wisdom, the Yoga-Sūtras are a detailed psychosomatic methodology which promises to reveal and then extinguish the limitations of the conditioned mind, not through blind faith, but through direct personal experience.

Over the course of the weekend we will explore the extensive sequencing of the Vinyasa Krama method of Krishnamacharya, dissect the psychological framework of the Classical Yoga tradition, and apply the most relevant and potent of Patañjali’s sūtras for mental well-being to an extensive, full-spectrum vinyasa practice (asana – pranayama – meditation).

The intention of this journey together is not to indoctrinate, for ultimate truth is beyond words and techniques. We gather instead to engage with ancient tools and practices capable of revealing the inherent wisdom within the gift of consciousness, providing a reference point from which our own innate intelligence can contemplate, discern and investigate the existential query which has driven the tradition of yoga for centuries: Who am I?

These workshops are created for, and accessible to all levels of practitioners and geared specifically towards those individuals with an insatiable curiosity for the enigmatic nature of human existence and a passion to evolve beyond the limitations of the conditioned mind.

Session 1: Why do we suffer?
Friday, March 4th 2022, 19:00 – 21:30h
The tradition of yoga is designed to guide us towards the cessation of suffering. But why do we suffer? In this workshop we will look at the yoga-sutras that discuss the causes and origins of our suffering in this human life.

Session 2: Who am I?
Saturday, March 5th 2022, 09:00 – 12:00h
The central question that the tradition of Classical Yoga seeks to answer and understand is the existential inquiry into who we truly are. In this workshop we will look at what this ancient tradition says we are not, as well as that which we truly are.

Session 3: Philosophy – Pure Awareness:
Saturday, March 5th 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 h
The goal of Classical Yoga is to remove the impediments which obscure our true nature. In this workshop we will begin to understand how to move towards the essence of the true Self, the refuge of our own awareness.

Session 3: Philosophy – Pure Awareness:
Saturday, March 5th 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 h
The goal of Classical Yoga is to remove the impediments which obscure our true nature. In this workshop we will begin to understand how to move towards the essence of the true Self, the refuge of our own awareness.

Session 4: Philosophy – The Path to Freedom:
March 6th 2022, 09:00 – 12:00h
In our final workshop of the weekend we will gather the wisdom of the previous three workshops and look at how this ancient tradition encourages us to continue to tread the sometimes difficult and arduous path of self-inquiry.

About Whit:
Whit Hornsberger (Vancouver Island, Canada) is a student and teacher of the wisdom traditions of Classical Yoga and Theravada Buddhism.

A former athlete, Whit found the path as a result of a career ending knee injury and the subsequent emotional and mental suffering inherent in losing one’s (supposed) self-identity and self-worth.

By integrating knowledge from his degree in primatology with over 17 years of dedicated practice and 12 years of teaching, Whit has developed a unique spiritually scientific approach to the understanding of the mind and body.

His daily practice and teaching methods stem from the traditional practices of Vinyasa Krama (Krishnamacharya), Buddhist mindfulness meditation (Mahasi Sayadaw) and Yin Yoga. He continues to pursue his insatiable passion for truth and understanding by way of solo retreats amongst the courageous monastics in the Buddhist monasteries of Burma (Myanmar).

A passionate advocate of traditional teachings, Whit expounds the ancient wisdom of these lineages in a relevant manner, making them readily accessible to students at every stage of the path.

A lover of surf, travel and nature, Whit offers international and online classes, workshops, courses, retreats and trainings and spends his time between his home in Canada on Vancouver Island, Europe, Mexico and the monasteries of SE Asia.

A lover of surf, travel and nature, Whit offers international and online classes, workshops, courses, retreats and trainings and spends his time between his home in Canada on Vancouver Island, Europe, Mexico and the monasteries of SE Asia.

The workshop will take place at a wonderful loft at:
Billie’s Tanzstudio, Stresemannstraße 374b, HH-Altona

Bitte beachtet: Dies ist ein 2G+ Workshop. 

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